فارسی عربي

“It is better to be of one heart than of one tongue”

The most precious treasure in human relationship is empathy.

The most precious treasure in human relationship is empathy.


Language of heart:

There are many Hindus and Turks with the same tongue,

And oh, many a pair of Turks, strangers to each other.

Hence the tongue of intimacy is something else,

It is better to be of one heart than of one tongue.

Without speech, without oath, without register,

A hundred thousand interpreters from the heart arise.


Today marks the 21st International Mother Language Day.

Language is a unique phenomenon by which the process of human evolution in society is passed on to future generations.

Iran is host to various ethnic groups with completely different languages and dialects which is the symbol of one’s identity. But what has made the country special, is the empathy and friendship between ethnicities.

Dozens of dialects and accents have existed in Iran for thousands of years and no ethnic group has been superior to another.

Iranian Kurds, Azeris, Persians, Turkmens, the Baloch, Lors, Arabs, Gilaks and etc. are only proud of their kindheartedness and unanimity.

Despite the diversity, Iranians value entente and alliance much more than having the same language, as far as Rumi has mentioned it in one of his most famous verses in "Masnavi" his book of poems:

“It is better to be of one heart than of one tongue”

